Friday, August 22, 2008

Wanting to Help Friends

Thursday I found out a friends mother in law passed away and I had bunches of ideas running thru my head ......... What can I do for the family to help ease their loss? This family is new to our community and are really sweet people. So , after pondering I mentioned to two dear friends (Cthat I was going to take a few food items over to the house because I new they were having family coming in from out of town and this would help. My friend , Aunt Deanie , picked up the bbq & chicken with all the trimmings for me in Williamston and she of course had a cake in the freezer read at a minutes notice. So , At 5 pm we went to Oak City and dropped everything off. They were so pleased and appreciative of our gesture. As we were leaving our pastor and one of the deacons had stopped by to visit also. I feel so blessed to be part of a loving church family. You can always count on them. We decided to feed the family on Saturday @ lunch also. I hope this will help them and ease some of their pain . But mostly I hope that they will feel Gods love at work and be blessed. We love them but not as much as HE does.


In Everything August 26, 2008 at 9:07 AM  

I'm sure the sweet gestures that you angels showed to them was a blessing..... You guys are always soo thoughful and giving....

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