Friday, August 22, 2008

He Loves Me

After reading a friends blog I sat here for a few minutes to really think about what she had said. She was talking to God and asking , "You Love Me" ? It made me think how much He really does love all of us. Yes , All. For a long time as I was growing up I was troubled by the fact that my daddy had gotten killed when I was so young (3) and that I was without a daddy when all my friends had one. I will admit that as a child I would pretend that he was gone away on a long trip and that it was all a bad mistake... he would come back. As I grew I realized that I may not have an earthly dad but that I did indeed have a Father . A Father that loved me and accepted me for the person that HE created me to be . I am thankful to my heavenly Father for all that I have and all that I am . HE does indeed love me . And I do so very much love HIM .


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